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Helios Silken Windhound Champion
Helios the Talisman Silken Windhound

Multiple Best Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Specialty Show, Specialty Best of Winners
ISWS Ch, NAKC American and Canadian Champion, IABCA JHA Int Ch

Talisman's Light of Helios

SRCX3, GRC, Oval Track Racing Ch

#2 Racing Silken 2009!

#4 Racing Silken 2010

#2 Racing Silken 2011

#3 Racing Silken 2012

#3 Oval Track Silken Windhound of 2009!

#5 Silken Windhound in ASFA 2009!

#2 ISWS OFC Silken Windhound 09-10 season!

#1 NOFCA Silken Windhound 2010-2011 season

#2 NOFCA Silken Windhound 2011-2011, and 2012-2013 season

Helios the Talisman Silken Windhound, is named after the Greek god of the sun who races his chariot across the heavens every day, without fail , through the millenia. Helios has a VERY happy, bright, and cheerful outlook on life, and, even without coffee, is most assuredly a "morning person" and given to waking us up by standing by the bed, with a toy in his mouth, and wagging till the bed shakes, I thought naming him after a sun diety was entirely appropriate...

Helios at the Jan 2009 ISWS races in California

Helios is always ready to play with someone, be they canine or human ( or bee) and his very favorite non-solo house hobbies , aside from power wrestling and playing fetch with the two leggers, are wrestling and chasing , tug of war, and hide and seek with Ilsa and Dresden, half-sister Sazi, half-brother Ronan, and his Grand-uncle Caliban .

 Talisman Silken Windhounds

Helios at Fort Funston on the cliffs

His current favorite solo games are running pell mell somewhere with a toy in his mouth, playing "that dasterdly tail" game by spinning, and chasing and grabbing his tail, wanton and creative destruction of anything like a recently abandoned human shoe, and thoughtfull re landscaping of the garden ( his design sense there runs to trenches ).

Helios Aug 09 at Fort Funston San Francisco on the bluffs above the beach

His favorite thing in the whole world to do is run, if it be at the beach, the race track, the lure coursing fields, or meadows and hills, and we bring him out to do that as often as we can.

Helios taking off!

Helios has surprised us in the show ring so far. He had a very big start to his show career at Rarities NAKC in Dixon Ca in Dec 06 ,where the little fella, who I had really just taken along to socialize , went on to win three Best Puppy in Show awards! He really charmed the judges, including Ed Gilbert, author if K9 Anatomy and Structure, over with his big movement, and natural charisma, but not his willingness to stack.

helios the silken

However, we were finally able to convince him that there were good things for pups who could stand still even if they would rather be cudding, and at his very next Rarities show weekend of five shows in two days , at the very young age of just shy of eight months old , Helios trotted and (mostly) stackedhis way to multiple Best Jr Puppy in Breed, Winners Dog, and Best Puppy in Show awards, earning him the title of MBPIS Rarities Int Ch Talisman's Light of Helios, the youngest Rarities International Champion ever in the breed!

In January of 08, Helios also got his IABCA JHA puppy Championship, going Best Puppy in Breed, and even getting a Group 3 medal! In April of 08, at an ISWS Specialty held by Rarities/NAKC, Helios got Reserve Winners Dog! At the Silken Windhound Nationals in 08 Helios won Am Bred Male!

In 2009, under AKC Best in Show judge, Ms. Betty Stites, Helios won Open Dog, Winners Dog, and Best of Winners to finish his ISWS Ch in grand style at our Silken Windhound Western Regional Specialty ! The same weekend, he also finished second to his brother in the Regional Specialty Straight Racing meet over a large field of more than 30 Silkens, earning him is SRCX!

Helios at the Western Regional Specialty with judge Betty Stites achieving his ISWS Ch with a WD and BOW!

His sister , Rarities , IABCA JU.A Int Ch Talisman's Phoenix Fire SRC ptd, also easily finished her Rarities Championship at just over a year and also has a Reserve Winners Bitch in Specialty Show, and his brother , Rarities Int Ch Talisman's Ursa Major SRC , Teddy , got his Rarities Int Ch at eleven months old, going multiple Best of Winners at his next two shows!

He also is the youngest SIlken EVER to get a racing Championship, running his way to an undefeated number 1 in 2 months, and into the top five racing Silkens of 2007, and got his SRCX at the Nationals, the youngest SRCX ! Teddy also , in January of 09 , became the breeds very first SRCII, then also ran his way to the SRCIII and an additional 30 pts to get his SRCIV ! He's the #1 racing Silken Windhound of 08 and 09, and the #1 Oval track dog of 09!

Helios is the #2 Straight racing dog in the breed in 2009, and the #3 Oval track dog!

Helios would still rather be running free along the trails, or on the track with his dog playmates than showing ....

Photo Dave Mills

Right from the beginning, this cheerful guy has been a funny, goofy, happy, toy-crazy addition to the pack here. Like his father, Connor Helios loves peeking into the fridge at every opportunity, and impressing other dogs with his big boomy play-play-play bark, He also has some of his mothers traits, her her adoration of all things food being the most notible one. However, Helios is so busy playing that he burns off the calories faster than he can put them on.

Helios at the beach Aug 09

We started taking him out to Fort Funston in San Francisco as soon as he was able to be out and about, and he took to off leash romps straight away out there with piles of his Silken Windhound pals, and got in alot of very positive socialization time with a HUGE variety of dog breeds, from Akita's to Yorkshire Terriers, and everything in between. Helios the Silken race practices

Photo Dave Mills

Helios started his race career in April 2008, and really had a very strong start working his way from a first time entry to the high point race , and his first six points ( halfway to his racing championship!) over just two days at BRNC !

We were really pleased to see him keep pace with so many great racers, and despite not being very sure about the box, he had a whole lot of fun running in his very first races , and continues to happily ( and not terribly seriously) race his way up the track !

silken windhound racing talisman

Photo Crystal B Photography at the Race Nationals 08

Helios managed to finish his Straight Racing Championship in just three months, in very grand style in June of 07, finshing at #3 out of 38 racers, just behind his spectacular brother Teddy, NAKC Ch Talisman's Ursa Major SRCXV!

Storm and Helios running at the BRNC races April 09 photo by Rick Steele, Scirocco Hounds

To our surprise, our goofy Helios romped his way up to being one of the top ten racing Silkens of 08 ! And was #2 for 09, #4 for 2010! In 2011, he became only the second Silken to achieve the SRCXIII!

The top racing Silken of 2008, 09, 10, and 11, is Helios's brother Teddy , and also racing their way to top ten in 08 were his sister Phoenix , and his half-sister Sazi !

Helios also started his lure coursing and oval track career, and is one of the first two hounds in California to get his IC title and the second silken to get his SJORC! He also was in the top five ASFA Silkens for 09, as well as being the #2 straight racing dog in the breed, and the #3 oval track racer for the breed!

Helios is the #1 NOFCA OFC Silken for the 10/11 season!

Storm Ella and Helios at BRNC April 09 Photo Rick Steele, Scirocco Hounds

Helios started his open field coursing career, and ran his way to being the #2 ISWS ranked OFC Silken in the breed for the 2009-2010 season, coming in second to his brother Teddy at the first ISWS OFC meet under judge Sally Barron, and winning the second ISWS OFC event held for the breed under judge Bob Bulman!

Sally, Joyce, and Helios Photo Rick Steele, Scirocco Hounds

Bob, Joyce, and Helios with the number one ribbon!

Silken Windhounds were fortunate to be accepted into the ranks of the National Open Field Coursing Association at the start of the 2010-2011 season, and Helios was honored to be the top Silken Windhound in the breeds inaugural season with NOFCA, the oldest and open field organization in the US. Helios finished his first season close to halfway to his Ch, having gotten top scores of all breeds in two hunts, and gotten the "take" in his first AK!

At the CRA meet, Helios ahead on the right, with Karly and Djinn in fast pursuit

Growing up running the beach and cliffs at Fort Funston has really helped Helios in the open field!

His best pal, outside the pack of Silkens and Whippet here at home has been a wirehaired Lurcher ( Whippet X Terrier ) named Sophie who's about the same age as Helios. They really "get" each other, and have a grand time every time they get together . As soon as they met, Helios and Sophie took to each other , so he has a weekend playmate that shares the same toy fixation and raucous philosophy on play that he does.

For these two, anytime is a good time to play , and as much as possible is the best. Silken Windhound and Wire Haired Whatsits happily and senselessly race around and play even when it's 90 degrees, and all the other dogs ( and people ) are flattened out on the furniture inside. They also enjoy romps on the beach and bluffs on California's coastline.

He's eaten out at cafe's and restaurants, socialized with other sighthounds at the races, and lure coursing fields, made appearences at dog shows, come along on taxi rides, and paraded his blonde self near museums and through parks and on the streets of cities from San Francisco to Colorado.

Photo Crystal B Photography at home at Talisman

Helios has also taken on the role of most "favorite uncle", and best adult playmate to the two kids from the Architecture litter Ilsa and her brother Dresden . He's also the been literal uncle ( half anyway ) and best tugging partner to Ronan's Noble Metals puppy boy Oz, p and his neices Ivy and Anthias Sazi's and Dresdens daughters from the Aquatic litter.

Helios , Ilsa, and Dresden, by Crystal B Photography

Helios was happy to introduce the puppy pack to the beach and had a blast teaching them all about canine four wheel drive!

Dresden, Ilsa , and Helios scaling the cliffs at Ft Funston beach

Helios is still really quite puppy-ish mentally and still has yet to really grow into mature male looks, so we've got lot's to look forward to as he matures.

Helios. a Talisman Silken Windhound, as a small puppy

Helios's page two

Helios's Pedigree

DOB Aug 30 2006

Height 24 2/3

Reg # : 2006-185/01

MDR1: Clear

CEA: Carrier

OFA Cardio : SWH-CA102/13M-NOPI

OFA Thyroid : SWH-TH74/13M-NOPI Normal

CERF : SWH-222N/2007--14 Normal

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