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Dresden Silken Windhound

Dresden the Talisman Silken Windhound

Dresden and his BISS win at the Western Regional Specialty show 2012

judge Richard Beauchamp

Multiple Best in Specialty Show Multiple Best of Breed, Multiple Best of Winners, Specialty Award of Merit Winner, Specialty Best of Winners, Multiple Stud Dog winner, Best Puppy in Show, Best Opposite Sex Puppy in Specialty Show


Talisman of Merovingian

ISWS Straight Racing Champion

#8 Oval Track Silken Windhound of 2009!

Dresden is our boy from the Architecture Litter !

Dresden's the resident intellectual Silken, a gentle, thoughtful, relaxed, and affectionate little guy. He is very social with all people and dogs, and has never met a stranger. He's a very easygoing Silken Windhound, as happy playing tug of war with his sister Ilsa, wrestling with his his buddy Helios , sunning himself on the deck, as he is sitting in someones lap .

Dresden at home at four years old

He's a handsome chinchilla and white spotted lad, who impressed me very early on in life with his gentle and happy outlook on life.

Dresden daydreaming in the ring at the Silken Windhound Western Regional Specialty 08

Dresden's equally welcoming to big and little dogs, and will get right down on the ground to gently play with toy dogs. When he was a young pup, he got to go to the small dog park frequently, and now he's sure all toy dogs are friends. Not all toy dogs appreciate this, but Dresden is convinced no toy dog can withstand his charm. He's politely and quietly persistant about getting other dogs to play, and is really wonderful with small, or shy and unsure dogs because of his considerate nature.

Dresden the Silken Windhound

Dresden in August of 09 at the beach at Fort Funston

His favorite hobby not involving socializing, is carefully dismantling something he's curious about, so we've had to rescue many objects from his scientific dissections . He's perfected the art of turning pencils into schrapnel, there have been some horrific book deaths, shoes were not safe, and we've survived a few unspeakable incidents with the remote controls. Luckily we're willing to wait through his childhood experimental period, and we're hoping his puppies don't share his penchent for scientific exploration.

Dresden the Silken in the Ivy

Dresden as a pup, laughing

Dresden by Crystal B Photography

His "big trick" is happily waving at people and dogs, to try to get them to play with him.

He's a cuddling hobbiest, and a big fan of belly rubs, so if no one is paying attention to him, he will flop down on the ground and contort himself into pretzels, waving his front legs enough to look like he's having a fit, all in the hopes that someone will rub his belly.

Dresden headed for more fun

Dresden's very stylish, and is fufilling the dream I had when we bred Tyler and Cinder.
he's got an incredible calm temperament , a very elegant presence,and is blessed with lovely type, soundness, structure, and movement .

Dresden at a bit over a year

He's also inherited his Mother Cinder's insane love of all things fruit, nut, and vegetable, so will do just about anything for a slice of peach, dried mango, or a cashew. He's got a sweet tooth too, and will deploy sad puppy eyes in order to convince a human he'll simply perish without a bit of cookie or cake.

Dresden in the lead, with Helios, Nemo, and Jethro behind him

Dresden also loves being the rabbit in running games, and plays the roll of party starter/rabbit every chance he gets. The only time you'll hear Dresden bark is when he's trying to get everyone running. His best friend and sister Ilsa got the higher dose of the chatty genes between the the two of them.

Dresden playing rabbit again, to Nemo, Helios, and Kaloo the Pharoh Hound

His very first show weekend, in two shows he was entered in, he won two Best Opp Sex puppy awards, with Best Puppy once going to his snazzy sister Ilsa, and once to the lovely Evening Wind's Mariah. He is a puppy the judges really want to look at , even though he did not want to trot out after the first show .

Dresden at the 08 Nationals with Roberto Elinan

and his Daddy Tylers owner and breeder Rlynn Shell Whitlock

He did very well at the Silken Windhound Nationals, winning his large class of puppy 3 to 6 months, and then coming in just behind Leonidas, Sony's son, for Best Male Puppy in Show!

Dresden and me in the ring at the Silken Windhound Western Regional Specialty 2008

Dresden got his first 5 pt major at his next set of Rarities / NAKC shows in late September of 08, along with a smattering of other points, and in October of 08 , at our Silken Windhounds of California Regional Specialty, under judge Sally Barron of Barron's Borzoi, Dresden took Best Opposite Sex Puppy in Show!

Best Opp Sex Puppy in Specialty Show Western Regionals 2008

He got another 5 pt major going Winners Dog, and Best of Winners under judge Ed Gilbert, in July of 09! He finished his Rarities/NAKC Int Ch in Oregon in Sept of 09 by going Winners Dog, then Best of Winners twice!

In October of 2009, at our Western Regional Specialty, Dresden finished his ISWS Championship in grand style, by going Winners Dog and Best Bred By Exhibitor under Ms. Diane McCormack, then in the afternoon show, garnering an Award Of Merit from the Ch class by Ms Betty Stites!

Western Regional Specialty 2009, AOM under Ms Betty Stites

Western Regional Specialty 2009 Best Bred By, Winners Dog and New ISWS Ch under Ms Diane McCormack

In January of 2010 Dresden also became an IABCA UCICB Ch!

Best in Specialty Show Western Regional Specialty 2012 with judge Marianne Klinkowski

Dresden puppy stack May 3 2008

In January of 09, Dresden earned points towards his SRC in his first race weekend! And in the next week , got Coursing Qualified ( CQ ) and started coursing at the first coursing event for Silken Windounds in California! He had a long break from performance, and came back to it in the fall of 2009, garnering most of the points he needed towards his SRC.

In March of 2010, in the first straight race of the year at RCRA, Dresden finished his Straight Racing Championship!

Dresden and Oz at Race Practices at the ISWS Western Regional Specialty Races Oct 08

In September of 09, Dresden became a father for the first time, siring the Aquatic litter with Sazi ! In December of 09, he became a father for a second time, siring a litter with the lovely Xerox ! Pups from both litters are doing very well, with some close to their performance and show titles, Speciatly Best of Winners, multiple Best Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Specialty Show, Best Puppy at Nationals Sweeps, one top UKC ranked for the breed in the UKC's inaugural year with Silkens, and one RBIS, ISWS Ch and ICKC Ch, Anthias!

Dresden in the middle, won two Stud Dog ribbons in 2011, under judges Barbara Binder and judge Paulette De Long, ( pictured above ) showing with get from both his litters. We only managed to round up two from his Aquatic litter, Ivy, left, and Mandi, right, for the picture, but he also showed with Gemma and Cooper!

Dresden and Sophie the lurcher play in the waves

Dresden's a wonderful dog who's had incredible pups, we're looking forward to many years of tummy rubs on the couch and movie watching and popcorn sharing with this happy boy!

Dresden and his sister Ilsa , who thinks Dresden's schnozz tastes good.

Ilsa and Dresden by Crystal B Photography

Dresden's Pedigree

Reg # 2007-206/01

Height 23 1/2

DOB Dec 21 2007

MDR1 Clear

OFA Cardio: Normal SWH-CA131/101M/P-VPI

OFA Thyroid: Normal SWH-Th118/101M-VPI

CERF: Normal SWH-265/2009--18

CEA: n/m

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