pic by Rick Steele 2009-2014 I wish we'd had far, far, more time for further adventures together, my lovely huntress. There wasn't enough time to celebrate how truly incredible you were. You excelled at every single thing we did together. Ivy always wanted to be with me if she knew I was around. When I would go in to the show ring with another dog, or to the starting boxes at races with another dog, she would yodel for me until it was her turn. Then she would commence with the happy dance and the snuggling, all the while burbling to me about how much she'd missed me and how she should have been with me that whole time. At home she was glued to my side with her head draped over me if I was on the couch. Cuddled up to me if I was in bed. OFC was the perfect sport for her, because, except for whenit was her turn to run, she never had to leave my side. We had so many sunrises and sunsets together in the California wildlands. I wish we'd had so many more. Maybe some part of her knew she would only have a third of the lifespan she should have had, so she'd wanted to spend every second she could with me. Every single second counted.
UKC Reserve Best in All Breed Show, Best Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Specialty Show, Reserve Winners Bitch in Regional Specialty Show UKC Grand Champion Talisman's Arabian Angel ISWS Straight Racing Ch ( SRC ) LGRA Straight Racing Ch ( GRC ) #1 Silken Windhound in NOFCA 2012-2013 season, 2013-2014 season #3 Silken Windhound in the UKC 2013
Ivy is an easygoing, giggly, social baby from the Aquatic litter. After an introduction, she is happy to fling herself into anyone's arms, so her nickname is "climbing Ivy". Her favorite pasttimes at home are belly rubs, ear rubs, neck rubs, snout rubs, leg rubs, back rubs, rib rubs ( did I mention she likes being petted? ) and bombing up and down the hills at the house with her best pals Falkor , Ilsa and Helios. Ivy showing off her trot in 2011 Ivy's goofy personality is balanced by just how competitive a dog in the ring and on the field she is. Once she's had her petting, which is a requirement for Ivy, she's focused and animated in the ring, and she's a speed demon on the race track and in the open field! Like the rest of her litter, she has a reef fish themed registered name, the Arabian Angelfish is a gorgeous and rare denizen of the Red Sea. Ivy's fish namesake truly suits her as she is also well past swamphound inclined and may actually count as an amphibious lifeform. Ivy at seven months at the beach In freshwater, she loves to stick her head into water up to her ears to blow bubbles, and if it's deep enough, she's been known to submerge her entire body and head to the point where you can just see the top of her back and neck and her trail of bubbles. In saltwater she loves splashing around and running in the waves. Luckily for this waterdog, she's grown up within an easy drive to the ocean, and she's made the most of that, making regular trips to Ft Funston and Pt Isabel as well as running around the hills in California! Boing! It's the rare Furry Seahare!
Ivy and Jacob run along the cliffs |
In the time she's shown, she's had a wonderful time, earning many Best of Breeds, many Best of Winners, many Best in Groups, Best Puppy in Specialty Show, Best Puppy in Group, and Winners Bitch awards at UKC and ICKC shows. Her affable personality and big trot make her a delight to show!
![]() Jan 2010, Ivy's Best Puppy in Group |
Ivy got her first five point major as a young adult at the NAKC/ICKC shows in late 2010. She also was awarded 2nd place in the highly competitive Bred By class at the Silken Windhound Nationals in Calistoga, Ca, in 2011 under Pat Murphy, Oaklahara Borzoi, and in Oct 2011, Ivy was awarded Reserve Winners Bitch at our large Western Regional Specialty by judge Barbara Binder! Jan 2010, another Best Puppy in Group Ivy got her first five point major as a young adult at the NAKC shows in late 2010! She also was awarded 2nd place in the highly competitive Bred By class at the Silken Windhound Nationals in Calistoga, Ca, in 2011 under Pat Murphy, Oaklahara Borzoi, and in Oct 2011, Ivy was awarded Reserve Winners Bitch at our large Western Regional Specialty by judge Barbara Binder! April 2013, Ivy wins a Reserve Best in All Breed Show under judge Dan Crutchfield In 2012, Ivy started showing in UKC, and very quickly acheived her UKC Ch, winning multiple Best of Breeds over a very large competitive field of dogs, and ended the year as the #3 Silken Windhound in UKC of 2012 in only 5 show days! Ivy and her near lookalike uncle Helios were also awarded two Brace Class awards at the two ISWS shows at the Western Regional Specialties of 2012! Ivy damp from the beach Pic by Joyce Chin She would still prefer to be running on the beach ! Ivy's also started her racing and oval track and LC career! She's consistently ranked in the top placements since she started racing, and has got her first bunch of points towards her Ch in straights, her first few pts towards her oval ch, and is getting the hang of LC! |
Ivy straight racing in 2013
Pic by Gary Claggett Ivy's also into straight racing and oval track, and open field coursing! She's consistently ranked in the top placements since she started racing, and quickly acheived her ISWS straight racing championship, and her first few pts towards her oval ch, and then her LGRA GRC! She started in the open field with NOFCA in the 2011-2012 season, and surprised us by quickly becoming the #3 ranked Silken in OFC, and then at the Grand Course, winning the #3 ranked Rare Breed! Ivy pictured with Galgo Espanol Amadeus at the Grand Course, pic by Lenstree Photography In the 2012-2013 season, Ivy came into her own as an open field dog, most notably competing in a mixed field of other Silkens, Magyar Agar, Galgo Espanol, and Afghan to win the #1 dog of the day. Ivy finished out the season as the #1 Silken Windhound in NOFCA! Pics of her course with a Galgo Espanol at the Grand Course were used in an issue of Dog News! Ivy pictured with Galgo Espanol Amadeus at the Grand Course, pic by Lenstree Photography Ivy finished up the 2013-2014 OFC season in the #1 spot again, the only Silken so far to have come in #1 two seasons in a row!
![]() Anthias with her sister Ivy playing chase at Ft Funston |
![]() Ivy and Helios Ivy and Anthias playing tug with the lure duing their very first race practice at 6 weeks! |
DOB:09/28/09 ISWS Reg # 2009-263/01 MDR1: Clear OFA Cardio: Normal SWH-CA205/44F/C-NOPI Thyroid: Normal SWH-TH149/19F-NOPI CEA: m/m |
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