Gideon a Talisman Silken Windhound in Golden Gate Park

IABCA International Champion , Multiple Stud Dog Winner

Allagante Lunar Talisman

Straight Racing Champion Excellent, Coursing Instinct Certified, Intermediate Courser

# 1 racing Silken of 2005 First Silken Windhound Racing Champion

Top Five racing silken of 2006

Top Five Racing Silken of 2007

Quick to voice his opinions, Gideon is one of the most intelligent and hilariously vocal Windhounds I have ever met. He uses convoluted combinations of whuffs, yips, whines, buzzes, chortles, and squeaks to form entire sentences of commentary on how sleepy he may be, how much he would like someone to play with him, or how bored he is with something. He doesn’t actually need any audience for the talking much of the time, as he talks mainly to himself, and I have walked in on him from other parts of the house as he was performing eloquent odes to a toy or a chewie while laying on his side preparing to go to sleep.

Gideon a Talisman Silken Windhound head shot

Gideon never talks in almost any of the normal dog situations. For example, there is never a peep from him when there is someone at the door, any loud noise, when he is playing with other dogs, when he sees a cat, or even when he sees any of his dog or human family after they have been gone for awhile.

 Gideon the Silken Windhound with a toy

He adores yakking to me if I decide to take a phone call, and many of the people who have called here on a regular basis have enoyed being yak yakk yakked at by Gideon long distance.

Gideon, a Talisman Silken Windhound, plays with his puppy daughter Sazi

Gideon sired many of his favorite playmates in 05. He is a wonderfully devoted father and spent hours cuddling with and playing with his newborn litters. As they grew, he delighted in showing them the ropes, and they continue to be the biggest joy in his life, right up there with talking. He got to keep two of his kids at home, Sazi and Ronan, and they continue to be his favorite snuggling buddies, as well as being his racing and wrestling partners

Gideon a Talisman Silken Windhound at 7 months

Gideon is also a certified Swamphound, so it is unfortunate that he is also a white dog , as it has been hard to keep him that color.

It is difficult to water the garden without also watering Gideon. He loves to chase the stream of water, and play and roll in the mud and spray to the point of turning his entire body and head a uniform muddy brown. The appearance of the brown swamphound at the house is usually followed by the appearance of the rapidly whitening bathtub hound, because we have learned that Gideon's favorite resting place after a soggy romp in the wet garden is the living room couch. He's passed his love of garden water and mud on to his son Ronan, so we've recently taken to closing them both in the house during routine gardening so as to encourage less mud filled in-house decor .

Gideon and Shadow and Tara, Silken Windhounds straight racing ISWRA LGRA

Photo Dave Mills

In 2005, Gideon was thrilled to put his well developed love of toys and the chase into good use when the ISWS established the ISWRA program modeled after the hugely successful LGRA program. With this in place, Silken Windhounds could race competitively!

Photo Dave Mills

Gideon is proud to be the first Silken Windhound to achieve an ISWS performance title with his Straight Racing Championship (SRC) !

In July of 2007 , Gideon was able to get his ISWS equivalent of a JC at a lure coursing event in California, allowing him to add CIC to his titles!

And in October of 07, Gideon became the first Silken ever to achieve the second leg of Straight Racing Championship by getting his SRCX!

In October of 09, showing from the Stud Dog Class at our two Western Regional Specialty shows, GIdeon stood with his son and daughter, Ronan, and Dita and was awarded two Stud Dog ribbons under judges Diane McCormack and Betty Stites!

Gideon a Talisman Silken Windhound, three quarters profile

Gideon is an incredibly affectionate dog, and his preferred place when not playing is draped over someone's body, mostly mine by default. He loves children of any size and any adults. He adores puppies and small dogs no matter how grumpy they may be, and he will play gently even with the tiniest dog or puppy.

Gideon a Talisman Silken Windhound, and Violet, an Elessar Silken Widnhound, at the beach

Gideon was a big hit at Silkenfest 06 when he managed to charm Siendo Silken Windhounds resident Chinese Crested, Gypsy, into playing. Gypsy had never been interested in strange dogs before, so their wresting about on the floor in the kitchen was looked upon with great amusement .

Gideon Francie Stull Best Puppy in Show

Gideon started out his show career at five months of age at the 03 Western Regional Specialty, and was handled to his very first show wins by breed founder Francie Stull. At his first show, Gideon was awarded a Best Male Pup, Best Puppy in Show, and Reserve Winners Dog.

Gideon me and Dennis Reserve Winners Dog

Since then, he has gone on to be a multiple Reserve Winners Dog in Specialty Show winner, taking those honors at some of the most well-attended shows so far in the breed at four Western Regional Specialties in 03, 04, and 05, and 06 . Gideon also has been awarded two Winners Dog ribbons for majors towards his Rarities/NAKC Championship and has also achieved his IABCA UCICB International Championship in 2005.

Gideon a Talisman Silken Windhound, at Silkenfest 06

Gideon is also the sire of Talisman's Celestial and Lost Civilizations litters. His sons and daughters show a great deal of promise in the show and racing fields, with several easily winning their show championships in their first few show outings, and others running their way into their first straight racing championship points in their very first races. He has several BIS and BISS progeny . He also the sire of two of the first five ISWS Dual Ch's ( race and show ) in the breed, BISS and multiple group winning BoB daughter
Sazi and his RBIS and BoB daughter Tara !

Showing out of the Stud Dog class at the 2009 Western Regional Specialty, Gideon won both shows assisted by his multiple BOB Ch son Ronan and his multiple BOB daughter Dita!

Gideon best veteren winner ISWS race weekend Jan 09 hosted by the Silken Windhounds of California

Gideon wins Best Stud Dog with Ch son Ronan and Ch daughter Dita under Ms Diane McCormack at the Western Regional Specialty 2009

Gideon wins Best Stud Dog with Ch son Ronan and Ch daughter Dita under Ms Betty Stites at the Western Regional Specialty 2009

Gideon a Talisman Silken Windhound shows off his gait

Gideon's spectacular movement, sound and balanced structure, long sweeping curves, excellent pigment, dark eyes and high style and class echo through his kids and grandkids, who continue to set records both in the show ring and on the track. He's currently enjoying a luxurious lakeside retirement with Rob Sinclair in Nova Scotia.

Gideon, a Talisman Hounds Silken Windhound show stack

Gideon's second page

Sazi and Gideon at the races

Gideon's Pedigree

DOB 5/28/2003

Height : 24 1/8 inches

Reg # 2003-105/07

MDR1: Carrier

OFA Cardio : SWH-CA9/33M/P-PI

CERF: SWH-110/2005--31

CEA: n/m

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