![]() Cinder 2000-2013 May the canine afterlife be filled with endless delicious buffets, squirrels, friends, sandy beaches, and dark caves to hide in. Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show, Multiple Best Brood Bitch in Specialty Show, ISWS Ch, NAKC Int Ch, IABCA UCICB Int Ch |
spent her first few months here studying the culture, and has since
adopted many California lifestyle habits. She's embraced the California
beach culture, and spends a good deal of her time playing in the sand
and surf along the Pacific Ocean. |
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Cinder is also a bit of a canine flower child and is very free about expressing her love. She's a cuddler and kisser supreme and is not beyond following her favorite person all over the house licking their hand (or pant leg) every chance she gets. She loves getting belly rubs, being brushed, snuggling, and falling asleep gazing upon the people she loves. |
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As Cinder is out of one of the rarer Silken Windhound lines, we are excited about incorporating her pedigree, lovely structure, laid back and funny nature, and flowing movement into the breed. For her first litter, Cinder was bred to Gideon and gave birth to 8 puppies on January 29, 2005. See pictures of the "Celestial" puppies here! |
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The Western Specialty Judge, Michelle Luckey-Rowton of Kenai Borzoi, had the following comments...
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Cinder's winning ways continued at the Antioch IABCA show in 05, where she was Best of Breed and Best in Hound Group winner over many other hounds for her International Championship in IABCA. Cinder also took Winners Bitch for a five point major at her first Rarities show in 2005.
In the spring of 06, at her second Rarities show weekend, Cinder took a
Winners Bitch on Saturday , followed by an amazing first show on
Sunday, where under Greyhound breeder. AKC judge and author, Patricia
Gail Burnham ( author of Playtraining Your Dog ) at the ISWS/Rarities
Specialty, Cinder took Winners Bitch, Best of Breed, Best in Group, and
went all the way to win BEST IN SHOW ! Cinder
has also points towards her racing championship, and has been having a
ball on the field alongside the other Talisman Hounds. |
![]() Photo John Seibel Photo Dave Mills |
Cinder had just two litters in her life, and in October of 2009, pups from both litters stood with Cinder and she was recognized with two Brood Bitch awards by both Ms. Diane McCormack and Ms. Betty Stites! In 05, Cinder also gave birth to the Celestial litter: Dita , Nationals Best in Show, Regionals Best in Show, Nationals BOS, Multiple Best of Breed, Multiple Best Puppy in Show ISWS and NAKC International Champion Talisman Maia Mudita Kumbaya src ptd, ISWS Fld Ch, had a great start to her show career, she took a Best Puppy in Breed, Winners Bitch, Best Puppy in Group, Best in Group, and Best Puppy in Show under AKC Hound judge Pat Gilbert! At her next show, Dita showed to winners bitch from the Open bitch class , and in her very next show weekend, got her Championship ! At the Silken Windhound Nationals in 08, Dita finished her ISWS Ch with a Winners Bitch and Best of Winners! At our 2008 Western Regional Specialty, Dita took Best of Breed ! In 2009, Dita was awarded a Best Opposite Sex in Show ribbon by Best in Show judge Ms. Betty Stites! In 2010 she took Best in Show at the ISWS Nationals under judge Eugene Blake! She also has been racing, and lure coursing and has already earned pts towards her racing title and completed her ISWS Lure Coursing Championship! LUCY, Ju.A Ch Talisman Cygni at Skyhaven, got her puppy championship in IABCA in 05! Tara , MRBIS BoB , ISWS , NAKC, and IABCA Int Ch Talisman of Tarazed SRC CIC, has her ISWS and Rarities and IABCA championship, and multiple Reserve Best in Show ribbons amongst some very stiff competition in NAKC shows, and has a real aptitude for chasing a lure as well, having run her way into the high point race at her very first meet, and winning over some of the fastest dogs in the breed , and running her way to a racing title in just one season , making her one of the top racing Silkens in the breed in 06 and one of the first five performance and show Dual Champions in the breed ! She's also one of the top ranked Open Field coursing Silkens! ELLA, Multiple Best in Specialty Show, Talisman of Electra Sarafias , has been making her mark on the show and coursing scene in Europe, already showing in Slovenia and in Finland and earning Excellent marks from both FCI judges and Specialty Show judges alike, going all the way to Best in Specialty Show at the Finnish Silken Windhound Nationals, and Silken Windhound Specialties in Europe, and winning lure coursing events in Finland. Cinder winning Brood Bitch Class under Ms Diane McCormack at the Western Regional Specialty in 2009 with, l to r, Ch daughter Dita, Ch daughter Ilsa, and Ch son Blaze Cinder winning Brood Bitch Class under Ms Betty Stites at the Western Regional Specialty in 2009 with, l to r, Ch daughter Dita, Ch daughter Ilsa, and Ch son Blaze In Oct 07, Cinder was bred to MBISS MBIS ISWS Rarities IABCA Int Ch Gryffyn's Just Push Play and in Dec 07 birth to the all show Champion in multiple venues Architecture litter! Ilsa Multiple Best in Show, Multiple Reserve Best in Show, multiple Best of Breed, ISWS Ch, UKC Ch, ICKC Master Supreme Grand Int Ch, IABCA UCICB Int Ch Talisman of Art Nouveau , in her show debute in the 3 to 6 month puppy class at a Rarities NAKC show in April of 08, won three Best Puppy in Breed, and Best Puppy in all breed Show awards ! One of the BPIS's was under judge Patricia Gail Burnham, who had given Mom Cinder her BIS ribbon two years prior! At the Silken Windhound National Specialty in 08, a not 6 month old Ilsa won the Best Opposite Sex Puppy in Show award! At her very first Rarities/NAKC show for points, Ilsa wound up taking multiple WB and BOW as well as a Best Puppy in Show ribbon ! On her next Rarities/NAKC outing, and her first as an adult, she finished her ISWS Ch title, and won BOB at 4 out of the 5 shows that day , becoming ISWS Ch, Rarities/NAKC Int Ch Talisman of Art Nouveau CQ! Since then she's gotten many more BOB's and BOS's , making her one of the top ranked Silken Windhounds that showed at Rarities/NAKC in 2009! In September of 09, she won her IABCA UCICB Int Ch title, and in Oct of 2009 took home two Award of Merit ribbons awarded by Ms. Diane McCormack and Ms. Betty Stites! In 2010 Ilsa beat 15 NAKC Ch's, becoming a Grand Champion, then she beat 15 Grand Champions, becoming a Supreme Grand Champion! Then she beat another 15, becoming the first Silken Windhound Master Supreme Grand Champion! She was also the top Singles courser of 2009! Dresden , ISWS Ch, UKC Ch, ICKC Ch, IABCA UCICB Int Ch, Talisman of Merovingian CQ , won two Best male Puppy in Breed of the three first Rarities shows he was at, then got two majors and several points towards his Rarities/NAKC Int Ch in addition to a Best Puppy in Show ribbon, and finished his Rarities Ch in grand style with multiple Best of Winners awards! Dresden finished his ISWS Ch at our large Western Regional Specialty in 2009, going Best Bred By, then Winners Dog! Showing at the second show from the Best of Breed class, he took home one of the two Award of Merit ribbons! He was also the #8 oval track Silken Windhound of 09! Blaze , Multiple Best in Show, Multiple Best in Specialty Show, ISWS Ch, UKC Ch, ICKC Grand Champion Int Ch Talisman of Beaux Arts. Blaze has won two Best in All Breed Show ribbons, and three Specialty Best of Breeds and two Specialty WD awards at the ISWS Specialties he's attended so far! Early in his show career Best Puppy in Show Opposite Sex at our Western Regional Specialty in 08 under AKC judge Helen Brettell of Lost Creek Borzoi and Whippets and a Best Puppy in Sweeps and Best In Show at NCA shows in June of 09! He also won his ISWS Ch points at NCA, Rarities, and an ISWS Specialty! In Oct 2009, he took two BOB awards at our large Western Regional Specialties! He got his NAKC Ch in grand style in Jan of 2010 with TWO BEST IN SHOW awards and defeated 15 Ch's making him a Grand Champion! Sukiya, UKC Ch, ICKC Ch , IABCA JuA Int Ch Talisman of Sukiya CQ, took several Hound Groups, and one Best Puppy in Show Reserve at a set of IABCA shows in Florida, and also finished his IABCA puppy Championship! In Feb of 2010, he not only blazed his way to victory on the oval track, but he earned his NAKC Championship! Goth, ISWS Ch, UKC Ch, Talisman of Gothic National Specialty Best Opp Sex in Sweeps Winner, UKC Group Winner, Specialty Winners Dog. Goth has points towards his racing title too! |
Photos Chuck Stull
If you are coming to see Cinder at Talisman Hounds,
remember to wear an organic, family-farmed,
pesticide-free edible flower in your hair for her to
eat. |
DOB: 12/6/2000 Height : 22 inches Reg # : 2000-72/07 MDR1: Clear OFA Cardio Normal SWH-CA5/63F/P-PI CERF: Normal SWH-111/2005--60 DM: Normal SWH-DM4/12F-NOPI CEA: n/n |
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