Talisman Hounds - Silken Windhounds Art

Talisman Hounds is a small kennel located in Northern California. I don’t breed very often, but when I do, each puppy is raised in the home and given extensive personal care and attention, including healthy starts on socialization to other dogs, people, and the basics of housebreaking before they even meet their new prospective parents.

All of my pet pups go out to approved homes on spay neuter contracts, and any of my pups can and should come back to me if circumstances change for their families at any time.

Contact us to find out more about availability.

Litters 2013



Dmitri and Pryss

b. 12/11/2013

Puppy Pics Here!

Snake x Cobweb

b. 6/25/2013

Pics of the Super Moon Pup Duo !

~ Litters Of The Past ~

Teddy x Maya

Co bred with Ardent Hounds

b. 2/22/2012

Puppy Pictures

Dresden x Sazi

b. 9/28/2009

See Puppy Pictures!

See Pedigree

Renaissance Hounds.

Ronan x Xerox
b. 3/28/2008

See Puppy Pictures!

See Pedigree

Tyler x Cinder
b. 12/21/2007
See Puppy Pictures!
See Pedigree

Talisman Silken Windhound 'Celestial' Litter

Gideon x Cinder
b. 1/29/2005
See Puppy Pictures!

See Pedigree


Talisman Silken Windhound 'Lost Civilizations' Litter

Gideon x Sheba
b. 1/20/2005
See Puppy Pictures!

See Pedigree


Talisman Silken Windhound 'A' Litter

Caliban x Sheba
b. 10/20/2001
See Puppy Pictures!

See Pedigree

~ Talisman Hounds Champions ~

UKC Best in Show, MBIS, RBIS, Award of Merit SW Nationals 09,11, UKC Ch, ISWS Ch, ICKC Int Gr Ch, IABCA Int Ch, Talisman's Byzantine Empire SRC and OFC Pointed

MBISS, MRBIS, Award of Merit SW Nationals 08, ISWS Ch, ICKC int Ch, IABCA Int Ch, Talisman's Anasazi Sunrise SRC CIC ( third dual Ch in the breed)

RBIS, BISS, MBoB, ISWS Ch, ICKC Ch, IABCA Int Ch, Talisman of Tarazed Scirocco SRC CQ ( fifth dual Ch in the breed)

MBIS, RBIS, Multi AOM, MBPIS, MBOB, MBOS, UKC Ch, ISWS Ch, ICKC Master Supreme Grand Int Ch, IABCA Int Ch, Talisman of Art Nouveau CQ (The only ICKC Master Supreme Grand Ch Silken)

MBOB ISWS Ch, ICKC Int Ch, Talisman's Star of Taranis CGC ( number one Silken Windhound at NAKC in 2009)

MBPIS, BPISS, MBOW ISWS Ch, ICKC Ch, IABCA Int Ch, Talisman's Light of Helios SRCXIII GRC, OTRC ( # 2 straight racing Silken of 2009, #3 Oval track racing Silken of 2009, #5 ASFA Silken of 2009, #2 ISWS OFC 2009, #3 Straight racing Silken of 2010, #1 NOFCA OFC Silken Windhound 2010-2011 season, #2 OFC Silken of 2011-2012 season, #2 OFC Silken 2012-2013 season )

MBOB, MBOW, AOM, BPIS, ISWS Ch , UKC Ch, ICKC Ch, IABCA UCICB Int Ch Talisman of Merovingian SRC CQ ( # 8 oval track Silken Windhound of 2009 )

Nationals Best in Show BISS, MBPIS, MBoB, Nationals Best of Winners, ISWS Ch, ICKC Int Ch, Talisman Maia Mudita Kumbaya LCC SRC Ptd

UKC Best in Show, MRBIS, UKC Ch, ISWS Ch ICKC Ch Talisman's Ursa Major SRCX12, SGRC4, LCC, ORTC ( # 1 straight racing Silken Windhound 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 # 1 oval track Silken Windhound of 2009, #1 OFC 2009, #1 LGRA ALL BREEDS 2012)

UKC Reserve Best in Show, Multiple BoB and Best in Group UKC Ch Talisman's Arabian Angel SRC ( #3 ranked UKC Silken Windhound 2012. #1 NOFCA Silken WIndhound 2012-2013 Season )

Reserve Best in All Breed Show, Multipe Best of Breed, ISWS Ch ICKC Int Ch Talisman's Sunburst Anthias

Multiple Best of Breed, ISWS Ch, UKC Ch Talisman Renaissance Osmium

UKC Ch, ISWS Ch Talisman of Gothic

UKC Ch Talisman's Mandarin Dragonet

Multiple Country Best in Show ISWS Ch Talisman of Electra Sarafias ISWS LCC

MBPIS MBoB ICKC Ch IABCA Int Ch Talisman's Viking Kumbaya SRC

ICKC Ch and IABCA Int Ch Talisman's Phoenix Fire SRC

BRPIS ICKC Ch, IABCA JuA Ch Talisman of Sukiya CQ

IABCA Ju A Ch Talisman of Cygni at Skyhaven

~ Best In Show and Best in Specialty Show Winners ~

Finnish National Best in Show, Slovakian Specialty Best in Show, German Specialty Best in Show

MBISS ISWS Ch Talisman of Electra Sarafias ISWS LCC

Multiple Western Regional Best in Show

MBIS MBISS ISWS Ch, UKC Ch, ICKC Grand Ch Talisman of Beaux-Arts

Multiple Western Regional Best in Show

MBOB, MBOW, AOM, BPIS, ISWS Ch , UKC Ch, ICKC Ch, IABCA UCICB Int Ch Talisman of Merovingian SRC CQ ( # 8 oval track Silken Windhound of 2009 )

US Nationals Best in Show, Western Regional Best in Show

MBISS BPISS MBoW ISWS Ch ICKC IABCA Int Ch Talisman Maia Mudita Kumbaya LCC SRC ptd

Western Regional Best in Show

BISS BPISS Talisman's Scythian Huntress CGC

Western Regional Best in Show

MBISS, MRBIS, MBoB, Award of Merit SW Nationals 08, ISWS Ch, ICKC Int Ch, IABCA Int Ch Talisman's Anasazi Sunrise SRC CIC ( third dual Ch in the breed)

Western Regional Best in Show

BISS ISWS Ch, UKC Ch Talisman Renaissance Osmium

Best in Show UKC and ICKC

MBIS, RBIS, Award of Merit SW Nationals 09,11, UKC Ch, ISWS Ch, ICKC Int Gr Ch, IABCA Int Ch, Talisman's Byzantine Empire SRC and OFC Pointed

Multiple ICKC Best in Show

MBIS ISWS Ch, UKC Ch, ICKC Master Supreme Grand Ch, IABCA UCICB Ch, Talisman of Art Nouveau CQ

~ Best Puppy in Show Winners ~

MBPIS BPISS ISWS Ch, ICKC Ch, IABCA UCICB Int Ch Talisman's Light of Helios SRCXIII, SGRC, ORTC #1 OFC Silken Windhound 2010-11 season.

MBPIS BPISSOS ISWS Ch,UKC Ch, ICKC Int Ch, IABCA UCICB Int Ch Talisman of Art Nouveau CQ

MBISS, BPIS ISWS Ch, UKC Ch, ICKC Int Ch, IABCA UCICB Int Ch Talisman of Merovingian CQ

MBIS, MBISS, MBOB, BPISSOS ISWS Ch, UKC Ch, ICKC Ch Talisman of Beaux-Arts

BOS Puppy in Sweeps SW Nationals ISWS Ch, UKC Ch,Talisman of Gothic

BPISS Talisman's Scythian Huntress CGC

MBPIS MBoB ICKC Ch IABCA Int Ch Talisman's Viking Kumbaya SRC

BISS, Nationals Best in Show, Western Regional Best in Show, MBPIS MBoB ISWS ICKC Int Ch Talisman Maia Mudita Kumbaya LCC SRC Ptd

BRPIS ISWS Ch, ICKC Ch, UKC Ch, IABCA JuA Ch Talisman of Sukiya CQ

UKC RBIS, UKC Ch, Talisman's Arabian Angel SRC ( #3 OFC Silken 2011-2012 season #1 OFC Silken 2012-2013 season, #3 Silken Windhound in UKC 2012)

RBIS BPIS ISWS Ch, ICKC Ch Talisman's Sunburst Anthias

Contact Talisman Hounds

Original artwork by Joyce Chin. Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.