Lost Civilizations - Title

Loki the Silken WIndhound plays in the Ocean off the coast of California

Multiple Best of Breed , Rarities/NAKC and IABCA UCICB International Champion

Talisman's Viking Kumbaya SRC


This litter is very special for me. Sheba was my first Silken Windhound, and the dam of the first Talisman litter as well as the first California Silken Windhound litter, so she is a big part of the beginning of the breed in this state. I waited a long time to breed her a second time, and I have been beyond thrilled with how well her sons and daughters have turned out in temperament, health, soundness, and in looks.

I love getting stories and letters from the families of the babies, and I was happy to get the story from Megan Pointer of how her puppy got his call name, shortly after her home welcomed Talisman's Aztec Idol:

"Ok, so I *thought* it would be a pirate name..." "But instead it's a celestial motion name (he's in the wrong litter for that sort of thing!)."


"I *so* tried to get a Pirate name to stick. I tested a few out here and there. Called him "The Dread Pirate Roberts" for a few hours. I told people his name was "Mad Maconey Blackeye" and "Gangplank Max" but nobody else would call him either name. They just didn't fit his sweet little self."

"Then all of a sudden I noticed that he did this sort of "orbitting" thing a lot, usually either when he was starting to get a bit sleepy or when he was wanting a "mommy" to pick him up. He would sort of hover around me, circling and doing laps around my feet while I was standing, or around my whole body if we were about to snuggle up in bed.

"So as a joke I told my mom I was going to name him Orbit (because you know how much fun it is to torment ones own mother with the things one finds hysterical, and mother finds atrocious). My mom's best friend heard me say it, and then called him Orbit to get his attention about 20 minutes later - and he came trotting right up to her."

"So it stuck. Orbit it is."

Calantha the Silken Windhound and Artemis

From SarahBeth, who is Talisman's Dream of Atlantis AKA Calantha's mommy:

"A new era has started with Calantha. She told us as much. It started when I was writing an email to Juli when I got up in the middle to get food or something and left Calantha and Chris in the room together. In the few moments I was gone, Calantha hopped up on my computer keyboard and turned the cap locks on. She then typed "B'GNG" which is clearly her way of writing "beginning." She's quite young, remember, so it's not surprising that she doesn't know about vowels. After that, she turned the cap locks off and nearly managed to send the email. Chris caught her right as the "are you sure you want to send?" message came up and she didn't have time to hit enter again. So in the end, her efforts were thwarted, but is this a warning of what's to come? What kind of dog do we have here...?"

The Lost Civilizations litter also hit the show ring in 05 and have surpassed all my expectations for them, developing into quite the force in the show ring at Rarities, IABCA and in Specialty Shows.

Loki the Silken Windhound and his human Jay , show win photo, Best Puppy in Show

LOKI, Multiple Best of Breed winner, Rarities and IABCA UCICB Int Ch Talisman's Viking Kumbaya SRC , achieved his Rarities Ch easily in his very first show outing in one four-show day at the age of 9 months, going Winners Dog, Best Puppy in Breed, Best Puppy in Group and Best Puppy in Show ! At his next show outing. Loki got two consecutive Best of Breed and Hound Group wins !

Our 2008 Western Regional Specialty , Loki, showing from Open, was awarded a Reserve Winners Dog ribbon ! He also got his IABCA Int Ch!

He's also a great example of a hound that can do it all, a true social butterfly, and a great family member who can excel in both the show ring and at the track! He's quite the speedster , having raced his way into the high point race his very first try at ISWS racing. He got his first Straight Racing Championship points towards his title that same day! In 08, out of a very large field of racers at our Silken Windhound Nationals, Loki ran his way into the 5th place position, garnering more points towards his SRC! He finished his SRC title at our Western Regional Specialty race meet on November 1 of 2009!

Loki shares his home with the lovely lady Silkens of Kumbaya Silken Windhounds , Dita from Talisman's Celestial litter, and Mika, from Elessar's Garden Roses litter, and from Kumbaya's first litter, the lovely Sandy .

RONAN MBIS RBIS ISWS Rarities/NAKC and IABCA Int Ch Talisman's Byzantine Empire, SRC ptd, stayed at Talisman, so Sheba got to keep one of her boys from this litter and is still very much his loving mother.

Ronan was a multiple Best Puppy in Breed winner and Best in Hound Puppy Group winner at his first IABCA shows in Antioch Ca 05, and has since gotten multiple Best of Breed and Group awards, and even, at multi breed shows, gone to Reserve Best in Show and BEST IN SHOWS !

In the fall of 2008, at our Western Regional Specialty, Ronan won Winners Dog, Best Bred By, Best of Winners , and Best of Breed Opposite Sex to finish his ISWS Championship ! He showed to his win under AKC Borzoi Whippet and Greyhound judge Helen Brettell of Lost Creek Borzoi and Whippets.

Ronan the Silken Windhound plays in a field of flowers

While Ronan is very athletic in the field, with speed, grace, and power to spare, at home, when not on break and at play with his sister Sazi, he takes his duties on couch patrol, very, very seriously. For Ronan, no sleeping position is too weird, and no square inch of couch space remains unused while he is on duty . He's also a hard worker, and so is very dedicated to making sure that the dog beds are also patrolled with the same intensity .

Ronan the Silken Windhound being examined by a judge at a dog show

Ronan at 9 months with judge Dennis Colbath in 2005 at the Western Regional Specialty.

Ronan and Sazi, brother and sister Silken Windhounds, romp in the ocean

Sazi and Ronan are best pals, and adore romping in the ocean together. It has the bonus effect of really keeping them in fantastic shape for the show ring, or for double teaming on stuffed animal destruction !
Sazi the Silken Windhound smirking

SAZI, Multiple Reserve Best in Show, Multiple Best in Specialty Show, Nationals Award of Merit winner, ISWS, Rarities/NAKC, and IABCA UCICB Int Ch Talisman's Anasazi Sunrise CIC SRC , also got to stay at Talisman and is doted on by her mother, adored by her brother and the rest of the pack, as well as by her human family. She's got a wicked sense of humor, and a funny lopsided grin inherited from her grin-crazy mother Sheba.

Shown to her championship from the Bred By class, Sazi started her show career as a pup at 9 months by winning two five pt majors with one Best of Winners towards her Rarities Ch with a Winners Bitch under noted AKC Best in Show judge Ed Gilbert, author of K9 Structure and Anatomy.

At her very next set of Rarities shows, Sazi took multiple Winners Bitch awards, and went Best in Specialty Show at the Rarities NAKC Silken Windhound Specialty ! Sazi then took a Group win, and went all the way to get Reserve Best in Show!

At her next set of Rarities shows in 07, she took multiple Best of Breed awards from the Champion class, and again took Reserve Best in Show!

She also got her IABCA UCICB Int Ch in 07 , which makes her a show champion in three venues. She won an Award of Merit showing from the Champion class at the Silken Windhound Nationals in 08, and she's also just the third Silken Windhound to get her dual championship, getting her ISWS performance title,the SRC, as well as the ISWS conformation Ch title!

Sazi and Loki, brother and sister Silken Windhounds, at play in the ocean off the California coast

Sony the Silken Windhound plays with Silken Windhound puppies

SONY, BISS Talisman's Scythian Huntress CGC, co owned with Alison Brendel of Tangaloor Silkens, had her first show at the Western Regional Specialty Show in Layfayette Ca, at 10 months. Over a very large entry, she took Best Puppy in Show, Winners Bitch, and went all the way to Best in Show! Sony is also Alison's best puppy playmate, and she has helped her by being the "auntie" of the Tangaloor Ice Cream litter. She's also achieved her Canine Good Citizen Award!

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