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![]() I couldn't be prouder of this litter, and I am so glad the timing worked out and this litter was bred in the first place. Not only are all loving and social members of Silken society , as of May 2009, every puppy in this litter has won either a Best Puppy in Show, Best Opp Sex Puppy in Specialty Show, Best Opp Sex puppy in Nationals Sweeps, or Reserve Best Puppy in Show! As adults they've gone on to win multiple Best in Shows, multiple Reserve Best in Shows, countless Best in Groups, multiple Best in Specialty Show, multiple Best Opp Sex in Specialty Show, multiple Best of Winners, and also many Awards of Merit at Specialty Shows! Two have also become Grand Champions at NAHC by defeating 15 chs, and one has gotten the Supreme Grand Championship by defeating 15 Grand Champions! |
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"Blaze" lives with and is loved by Cyndi Dell and Bill Hemby of Morgandell Borzoi and Silken Windhounds in California. He's done VERY well in the show ring, taking Best Opposite Sex Puppy in Specialty Show at our large Western Regional Specialty in 2008 under AKC Borzoi , Whippet, and Greyhound judge Helen Brettell of Lost Creek Whippets and Borzoi, then winning a Best Puppy in Sweeps award at an NCA show in June of 09, and the very next day winning a BEST IN SHOW ! Seattle Specialty Best In Sweepstakes June 20,2009 Blaze is just 18 months. Over the weekend Blaze was awarded Winners Dog 3 times in NCA shows. Two BOB's and Two Best in Group. And BIS at the last show by Mrs. Nancy Byrd. Blaze finished his ISWS Ch title with still another WD BOW at still another specialty show! On Halloween, at the Silken Windhound Western Regional Specialty, Blaze went BOB in both shows under Diane McCormack and Betty Stites! He also finished his NAKC Ch title with not one but TWO best in all breed shows in January of 2010, and followed that up in August with another BIS and a RBIS, winning his Grand Champion title! He's quite the PR dog and loves charming new folks into the breed. Cyndi Dell writing about Blaze: "Blaze is the heart and soul of Morgandell Silken Windhounds. It is not unusual to hear voices saying "I'll take that one" when he is out schmoozing the public. His social graces and love of all people and dogs wins him friends everywhere. His statuesque poise, coat and loving soul makes him a standout anywhere. We hope his nature does not interfer with his need for speed as he has shown some talent in racing !" Blaze at a year |
![]() Multiple Best of Winners, Specialty Best of Winners, Regional Award of Merit Winner, Best Puppy in Show, Best Puppy Opp Sex in Specialty Show ISWS Ch, NAKC Int Ch, IABCA Int Ch Talisman of Merovingian SRC, CQ "Dresden" got to stay at home here at Talisman and has been a delight in the home, in the show ring, and out in the world. He's a goofy sweet boy who's done well in the show ring so far, winning his large class at the Silken Windhound Nationals in 08, and being runner up for best male puppy in show! At the Rarities/NAKC shows, he's gone Best Opp Sex puppy in Breed a bunch of times to his sis Ilsa, gotten a Best Puppy in Show, and also gotten WD and BOW to get most of the way to his Rarities/NAKC Ch. He's also gone Best Opposite Sex Puppy in Show under Judge Sally Barron, of Barron's Borzoi at one of our two Western Regional Specialty shows in October of 08! His show career continued with a WD BOW at a Rarities/NAKC show under judge Ed Gilbert, author of K9 Structure and anatomy! And he finished his Rarities/NAKC Ch in grand style at a show in Oregon in Sept of 09! At the Silken Windhound Western Regional Specialty Dresden took Best Bred By, Winners Dog, and Best of Winners to finish his ISWS Ch under AKC judge Ms. Diane Mc Cormack, then showing out of the BOB class, won an AOM under AKC Best in Show judge Ms. Betty Stites! In Jan 2010, Dresden took Best of Breed four out of four times and a group three at IABCA, making him an IABCA Ch. In March of 2010, Dresden finished his Straight Racing Championship in the first straight race of the year at RCRA, making him a dual Ch! Dresden in May 2009 |
Multiple Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show, Multiple Best of Breed, Multiple Award of Merit Winner,Multiple Best Puppy in Show, Best Puppy Opposite Sex in Specialty Show ISWS Ch, NAKC Supreme Grand Champion, IABCA UCICB Int Ch Talisman of Art Nouveau CQ "Ilsa" my loud and proud golden gal, finished her Rarites/NAKC Int Ch with a bunch of WB , BOB, and Group wins, and BPIS out of the 9 to 12 puppy classes at just over 9 months of age. She also took , at just a bit over 6 months, Best Opp Sex puppy in show at our Nationals, and finished her ISWS Ch in style at another set of Rarities/NAKC shows, by going 4 out of 5 BOB and garnering the WB ribbon at the ISWS Specialty! She's also since won multiple Award of Merit ribbons at Specialties, won Best of Breed numerous times, Group several times, and taken home Best In Show and Reserve Best in Show ribbons at NAKC! In 2010 she defeated some of the top winning dogs at NAKC, beating 15 Grand Champions and earning her Supreme Grand Championship! She's got the loudest decible level of voice of the entire Talisman pack, and we are just lucky she only announces herself to the world using it sparingly. :) |
Ilsa in May 2009 |
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![]() Best Opposite Sex Puppy in Nationals Puppy Sweeps 09 Talisman of Gothic "Goth" lives with his Daddy Tyler at Gryffyn's Aeyrie Borzoi and Silken Windhounds and is soaking up the Texas sun!Goth is growing into a stunning dog, and has a blast running around with his best pal QiQi! At the Silken Windhound Nationals in 2009 Goth wound up taking Best Opp Sex puppy in Sweeps, with his father Tyler taking his THIRD BoB at the Nationals in the Specialty show! Best Reserve Puppy in Show, Multiple Best of Breed NAKC Int Ch , IABCA JuA Int Ch Talisman of Sukiya CQ Sukiya lives with and is loved by the Walchek family in Florida . His favorite person in the whole world is Hana, with whome he's taken several Best Jr Handler in Show ribbons! Recently Sukiya earned his IABCA puppy championship ! "There were 4 shows with 135 - 161 dogs in each show. Sukiya and Hana Just to qualify for the BIS class for each show was great for Hana, The funniest part of the weekend was during the breed class in the |
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