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I couldn't be prouder of this litter. This was Sheba's last litter, and she and Connor did very well with these guys.
They are living up to their litter name of Mythos, and are really starting to establish their own legends. Not only are they a lovely , kind , and happy bunch of Silkens , several of them have already made history, racing and trotting their way to the top performance and show placements in the breed, Youngest Canine Good Citizen, Garibaldi , Youngest NAKC International Champion , Helios , Youngest all National Pointed Straight Racing Champion and Straight Racing Champion Excellent I, first SRCX II, SRCX III, SCRXIV and SRCXV, Teddy , ever in the breed! |
Teddy is the youngest all National Pointed Straight Racing Champion, and Straight Racing Champion Excellent in the breed, having gotten his SRC pts running in the #1 position, finished in late November 07 at just under 15 months of age , and his SRCX finished in April of 08, in a career that started in early October 07 . Teddy is the first Silken Windhound to achieve an SRCXII and the first to achieve an SRCXIII, all before his third birthday! After his third birthday, in October of 09, Teddy finished his SRCXIV and followed that with an SRCXV! He also finished his lure coursing Championship on November 2 of 09 at our Western Regional Specialty Lure Coursing meet, with a #1 placement! Teddy was the #1 racing Silken Windhound of 2008 and 2009, the top oval track Silken Windhound of 09, and the top OFC Silken for the 09-10 season! He's also one of the first Silken Windhounds to achieve his Oval Track Ch, the OTRC! Teddy is loved and co owned between Terri Campbell of Aigrette Silken Windhounds and Fortevoit Scottish Deerhounds and Talisman Hounds . His training partner, in addition to his sister, Rarities and IABCA Int Ch Talisman's Phoenix Fire " Phoenix" , is "Tor " Fortevoit Silver Meteor, one of the top LGRA and NOTRA Deerhounds in the country ! Teddy was also just under a year when he got his NAKC International Championship title! |
Garibaldi , Alison and I with judge Roberto Elinan at the Nationals Garibaldi is also is making his own history in the breed, having gotten the youngest Canine Good Citizen title at just under six months! We're expecting great things out of this youngster as well! Garibaldi is loved and co owned between Alison Brendel DVM of Tangaloor Silkens and Talisman Hounds. He started hitting the show rings in June of 08, got a Reserve Winners dog at the Silken Windhound Nationals in Colorado, and finished his ISWS Ch and NAKC int Ch in just two more show outings, winning WD at 2 ISWS Specialties! |
Helios is our happy-go-lucky stay at home hound, who is the delight of his Mother and half brother and sisters Ronan and Sazi, and the "uncle" to Ilsa and Dresden and Ivy and Anthias. He's the youngest NAKC Ch in our breed, having gotten his title at just shy of seven months old, and winning four Best Puppy in All breed Show ribbons along the way! He also got his puppy IABCA title in Jan of 08, and a Reserve Winners Dog in Specialty Show at a Rarities/NAKC event in April of 08 ! His first race weekend, Helios managed to run from FTE to high point races, and get his first 6 pts towards the 12 points needed for his SRC, and he finished his SRC in just three months of just a few weekends of racing, going #3 top racing hound at the Silken Windhound Nationals in Colorado in 08! At our Western Regional Specialty in 2009, Helios not only finished his ISWS Ch title, going WD BOW under AKC Best in Show judge Ms. Betty Stites, but he also finished his SRCX at our Regional Specialty Race meet! |
Phoenix , the lovely partner in crime to brother Teddy at Aigrette Silken Windhounds, got her first title , IABCA JuA Ch at seven and a half months of age, and finished her Rarities International Championship at just a hair over a year of age. She also got a Reserve Winners Bitch award in an ISWS Specialty Show in April of 08! She's also been blazing up the track, getting SRC pts in her very first race day and finishing her SRC in amazing time ! |
"Killian" is the delight of his family in Rhode Island, and shared his life with a stunning Deerhound, Finn, who recently passed away. He won't be lonely for a dog pal though, as another dog has joined his family , and he now has someone new to tear around with. |
Jewelle is a stunning little lady owned by Linda Schneider , Las Huertas Silken Windhounds. She was the winner of her large and competitive class in our biggest Western Regional Specialty yet in 07. She's had promising track practices too, so we're really looking forward to seeing what she does in 08! Her best pal and housemate is her sister Valkyrie , and she also shares her home with two lovely Borzoi and another Silken, Kalisa . |
Mariska is the free wheeling , opinionated, and fun loving agility hound of the family, having started her agility career by blowing away all the Goldens and GSD's in her adult agility classes even as a 4 month old puppy. Mari lives and works with several other Silkens, a couple of IG's, a parrot, and Barbara Kahn in New Jersey, owner and trainer at |
Valkyrie is owned and loved by Linda Schneider of Las Huertas Silken Windhounds , and is the velcro-hound clown of the family of people, Borzoi, and Silkens there. She's done very well in her outings to the racing fields for practice, and has shown the drive, speed, and power of her other littermates ! |
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